The Queen is Baaack!!!!

Taylor Swift returns to 🌈 happy pop music with her new single, ME!

Check out her new music video, released 4.26.19, below:

Taylor released this new single just 1.5 years after her last first single/video release (Reputation fans anyone? The concert was truly a work of art)! This tells me Taylor loves what she does, cannot help herself but be creative, & isn’t afraid of sharing her work with the world.

I ❤️️ love how Taylor uses her amazing talent of creativity to adapt real-life occurrences into profitable singles & merchandise with super smart branding! You should consider getting on her email list just to see her marketing strategies!

This “cool chick” 🐣 can’t be stopped!

May the evolution of Taylor & her business continue to thrive!

PS – Isn’t Brendon Urie adorable in this video?!

PSS – Taylor has 3 kitties now! Introducting 😻 Benjamin Button (love that name & fluffy little face)!


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